
At KidActive we believe that following a routine helps create a sense of security. If a child knows what to expect in their day to some extent it empowers them to feel more confident in experiencing and trying new things.

The schedule below is very closely followed but the projects and activities change to keep the children’s interest and their learning always growing.

7:00 am - First arrivals

Children start to arrive, we greet each other and sit down to play quietly until more friends arrive.

7:15 to 8:15 - Breakfast

We serve a healthy breakfast offering children at least two choices of foods to eat. We also offer a fruit and milk if over the age of 1 year old.

8:15 to 8:30 - Potty/Diapers

We do our first round of diapers and offering the potty. We have two bathrooms if needed but tend to just use the small bathroom. All diapers and potty accidents are noted in Brightwheel.

8:30 to 9:00 - Free play

All the children get to go out side and play, other play areas may be opened up as teachers become available to supervise. Such as the classroom or playground. Free play and exploration is encouraged but emotional support and guidance is always available.

9:00 to 9:15 - Circle time

This time is spent talking about what our day will look like. What the weather is, singing a song and reading a book. We do wish wells, and sing our school family song.

9:15 to 10:30 - Stations

There are at least three stations set up for children to explore. One is always a Steam station, one is art, and the last is always directed at inspiring the imagination. The children alternate freely through the stations or play with the other toys and games offered. Many sit and enjoy our calming corner that offers a library of books and calming sensory toys. Teacher offers bathroom and does diapers as needed during this time.

10:30 to 10:45 - Clean up

Every child who can walk and pick up helps to clean up our work area with the help of their teachers. As clean up ends children wash hands for lunch.

11:00 to 11:30 - Lunch time

We offer one planned healthy meal that includes a protein, a vegetable, a grain and a fruit. We also include milk. If a child is not a fan of the meal there is always a back up plan, though we encourage them to try new things first.

11:30 to 12:00 - potty/diapers and play

We change diapers again as needed, have the children sit on the potty if they are trained or training. Children are free to go play after their bathroom needs have been met to get their energy out. Directed free play to help get their wiggles out.

12:00 to 2:45 - Nap time

We start having the kids lay down at 12:00. Most are not assleep until after 12:30. When they start to wake up we have them read quietly or snuggle a toy until everyone is up.

2:45 to 3:00 - Clean up, potty/diapers

Each child puts their sleeping things away in their individual boxes. Then gets their bathroom needs met before snack. Ensuring hands are washed

3:00 to 3:20 - Snack time

We have a nutritious snack that is usually a grain and a fruit. Though occasionally yogurt, apple sauce or cheese is also offered.

3:20 to 4:20 - fun activity or free play

Children get to choose to do a fun activity or play with their friends in the open play areas.

4:20 to 4:40 - last potty/diaper

This is usually out last routine potty/diaper offered since most leave shortly after.

4:40 to 5:00 - Small snack offered, often fruit or vegetable

This is the time where kiddos get a little burnt out so we offer them a small snack and a break to relax before finishing off the day.

5:00 to 5:30 - free play and clean up

If there are any kiddos left we let them choose what they would like to do. Clean up should have happened as a group so we try to maintain it while having fun.